
Diablo 1 trainer 2.0.1
Diablo 1 trainer 2.0.1


  • Many enchantments that were previously dropped recipes can now be trained at the Master Enchanter in Uldaman.
  • has had it's trivial level increased (still green at 84).
  • New cooking ingredient " " sold at cooking vendors.
  • New level 1 cooking recipe " " available at cooking trainers.
  • Unsmelted mineral ores ( Copper, Iron, Thorium, etc) now stack up to 20, up from 10.
  • Estimated honor is now showing up correctly.
  • Unused Battleground tokens can now be used to purchase Level 61 Healing and Mana potions.
  • Instead, icons representing the class of the character are now shown.
  • In the Battleground Stat screen, ranks are no longer displayed.
  • They put the 1-minute 'gong' reminder back in to battleground queues.
  • Tauren can now ride the Black War Raptor.
  • Mage HWL/GM Robe cost reduced to 30 AB Marks (down from 60).
  • High Warlord's Offhands cost reduced to 20 Marks of Honor (down from 40).
  • are now green at 300 Engineering (was orange at 300 eng.).
  • The drop rate of Arcane Crystals was boosted.
  • Wildhammer repeatable turn in quest Troll Necklace Bounty removed.
  • Quest items can now be removed from your bank upon completion of the quest (no longer has to be in your character's backpacks).
  • The graphical effect on a mob when is used has been greatly increased in size.
  • Warlock pet spells now scale with gear and talents (instead of only melee attack power).
  • Curse of Doom proc (summoned Doomguard) no longer despawns the current Warlock pet.
  • 10% damage reduction on & Curse of Agony.
  • Casting shaman weapon buffs no longer have an animation.
  • Rockbiter ability now adds a set amount of dps (rank 4 is +9 dps).
  • diablo 1 trainer 2.0.1

    Every rogue now has their own debuff slot on monsters, instead of 1 for all.Improved Sap now costs 2 points for a 100% chance to return to stealth.Improved Sap switched places with in the Subtlety tree.switches places with in the Combat tree.is now correctly displayed in the spell section of the character pane.'s graphic is now back to the original.Coefficients upped for Consecrate and.Vengeance talent is now 10% for 5 points, from 15%.cooldown increased to 10 seconds, from 6 seconds.now does 25% less damage costing 15% less mana.Netherwind shoulder graphics have returned to normal and have a higher particle rate than before the original change.Hunter no longer grows in size when under the effect of, he/she just gets red.All pet attack speeds have been normalized to 2.0.The hunter pet ability " " is now in game and can be learned from boars.The Pet Info tab now provides the same detailed information that the character tab provides.

    diablo 1 trainer 2.0.1

    Mousing over your own stats now tells how much your pet's stats are improved.Less damage, over less time, and with a longer cooldown. now has a longer time before it actually appears on the ground, but brings targets out of stealth just the same.Bears make Kitty sounds when performing.No longer makes a bear roar when shifting into the tree. Tree of Life changes: Now has a dancing and eating animation.When in, the view has changed to an above-the-water angle, instead of the previous below-the-water angle.When stealthed, there is now an indicator above the heads of mobs that can see through stealth.Not all characters received a talent reset.


  • The Twin Emperors received a model update that included shoulder pads.
  • In his place is now his son, Hemet Nesingwary Jr.
  • Hemet Nesingwary moved from Stranglethorn Vale to Nagrand.
  • Before, she had no dialogue when you clicked on her.
  • Sylvanas now has a normal dialogue even when she isn't offering a quest.
  • Gadgetzan now has snipers on the roofs to stop people from rooftop camping.
  • All Abilities that cost a % of base mana have had their mana cost reduced.
  • Spirit Healers now appear on Minimap while dead.
  • Hippogryphs and Gryphons now make noises when flying.
  • World of Warcraft no longer works at all on laptops with Intel 915gm video chip sets.
  • There is no longer a Shoot Crossbow, Shoot Gun, or Shoot Bow, there is only 'Shoot.'.
  • Riding Skill (150) cost reduced from 800 to 600.
  • All documented changes should be listed on the main article.


    This article lists all undocumented changes for patch 2.0.3.

    Diablo 1 trainer 2.0.1